Animal welfare is a effort that arises from our awareness as human beings to provide a suitable environment for animals. The goal to improve the quality of life for pets, especially those bound and confined.
The principle of animal welfare is actually applicable to all types of animals. Both animals that live with humans like livestock, pets, animals, animals for work, and animal performances. In fact applies also to the animals that live in the wild.
In Animal welfare is known Five of Freedom or five freedoms that must be owned pets to live decent and normal. Five of Freedom, which was sparked by the British in 1992 it consisted :
- Freedom from hunger and thirst.
Freedom from hunger and thirst is done by feeding (food and beverages) is appropriate, proportionate, hygienic and meets the nutritional needs of each animal.
- Freedom from thermal and physical discomfort.
Freedom from thermal and physical discomfort by providing the environment, shelter, rest areas and other facilities that conform to the behavior of these animals. Most animals not need two different places that is open space for activities and places closed for the rest.
- Freedom from injury, disease and pain.
Freedom from injury, disease and pain can be done by performing maintenance, measures for disease prevention, disease diagnosis and proper treatment of pets.
- Freedom to express most normal pattern of behavior.
- Freedom from fear and distresss.
In fact, it must be admitted that even animals need a natural environment, safe and comfortable to be able to live normally. Any treatment that not reasonable, it can lead to stress, health problems, behavioral changes, impaired growth and development until the danger of death.
Buddy is an animal lover, feel love and care about animals?. Have implement animal welfare by provide Five of Freedom to our animals?.
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