
Apr 30, 2011

Peafowl Green The beauty of the Fruitful Disaster

Peafowl Green which in scientific language is called Pavu Muticus is one of three species of peacocks found in the world. Creatures found in China, Vietnam and Indonesia has beautiful feathers. Moreover, Green Peacock male who has a long tail that can expand like a fan. But precisely because of the beauty of it is a catastrophe for the life of this rare and endangered species.

Peafowl Green (Pavu Muticus) has a beautiful coat of golden green. Adult males are very large, with a cover of a very long tail. Above their heads is erect crest. Female birds are smaller than males. Feathers less shiny, grayish-green and without cover tail feathers decorated. His face has a black accent around the eyes and bright yellow color around the ears.

In the breeding season, male birds show off their tail feathers in front of a female bird. Tail feathers cover is opened to form fan-shaped spots on the eye. Female birds incubate three to six eggs after her brood in a pile of leaves and twigs on the ground for a month. His son will continue having contact with its mother until the next breeding season, despite being able to fly at a very young age.

In matters of eating, bird Peacock Green hooked various grains, grass shoots and leaves, various insects, and various kinds of small animals such as spiders, worms and small lizards.
Peafowl Green population scattered in open forests with grasslands in the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Myanmar and Java, Indonesia. Previously, Peafowl Green is found also in India, Bangladesh and Malaysia, but now extinct there. Although large, beautiful birds, rare, and protected it can fly.
In Indonesia, Peafowl Green only available in Java. Habitats ranging from lowland to high places. One of them is still to be found in the National Park Alas Purwo, East Java. Also expected are also still found in Ujung Kulon National Park, and Meru Betiri National Park.
Peafowl Green population continues to decrease. This is caused by habitat destruction and poaching. This beautiful rare birds hunted for fur or traded as pets star. To avoid extinction of this rare bird protected by law. On the island of Java, now the number Peafowl Green (Pavu Muticus) is estimated no more than 800 tails.
International Council for Bird Preservation has determined this Peafowl as endangered species. CITES, enter Peafowl Green in the category of Appendix II. While the Red List Authority, IUCN, the data released in October 2009 has raised the status of Peafowl Green (Pavo Muticus) from Vulnerable (VU) to be Endangered (EN).
In addition to Peafowl Green, there are two other Peafowl species, namely India or Peafowl Blue (Pavo Cristatus ) is found in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan, and the Congo Peafowl (Afropavo Congensis) which is endemic birds in the Democratic Republic of Congo .
Scientific classification: Kingdom: Animalia. Phylum: Chordata. Class: Aves. Order: Galliformes. Family: Phasianidae. Genus: Pavo Species: Pavo Muticus. Binomial name: Pavo Muticus (Linnaeus, 1766)

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